keskiviikko 30. maaliskuuta 2016

An Exhibition of the Law, the Gospel and the Holy Spirit by Charles Simeon

In his simple, Biblical style Charles Simeon answers the questions:

What is the purpose of "the Law"?

Can we understand the gospel if we don't understand the law?

Why do most people settle for a shallow religion?

And could preaching the law and gospel, as they are presented in the Bible, lead to more and deeper conversions?

What does the "plain and simple" gospel look like?

What does the Holy Spirit really want to do for us, (and have we missed it today)?

Charles Simeon’s voice is wonderfully simple and humble. He seeks to explain profound truths but does not want to exalt his own importance by knowing them.

The book is diveded in three parts: The Law, The Gospel & The Holy Spirit.

In the first part of the book Charles Simeon talks about the meaning of the law and its importance to us, reborn Christians.

He shows that all our faith and Christianity depends on the fulfilling of the law, by Jesus Christ.

The knowledge of law, the moral law, is as important today as it was when God created the universe.

On the second part of the book he talks about the Gospel and its significance in Christian living and the lives of all Christians.

Simeon celebrates the wonderful mercy of Christ’s sacrifice and explains how we are only saved by the grace of God and His never-ending love.

The Gospel is the most important happening of human history and the central story and message of the Bible.

It is God’s love in flesh, and we can only understand its significance trough the knowledge, and confession, of law and our sinfulness.

On the third part of the book Charles Simeon talks about who is Holy Spirit and what is His mission in the lives of Christians.

According to Simeon, there can be no Christian who does not have the Holy Spirit in them.

The book is a wonderful explanation of what is Christian belief and in what we base our faith.

I recommend it to everyone who is interested in deepening their knowledge of God and Christianity.

1 kommentti:

  1. I love the quote you shared about holiness being an effect rather than a cause! I've pinned it for later. Thanks so much for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday last week. I'm sorry I'm late getting around!
